Saturday, May 23, 2020

Day 140: The entire kingdom wants to see you happily settled down with the right girl.-- Grimsby

The entire kingdom wants to see you happily settled down with the right girl.-- Grimsby, The Little Mermaid

This quote comes to us during the conversation the single Prince Eric and major domo Grimsby have after Grimsby gives Eric a rather gaudy birthday gift.

Have you ever been told you need to find someone and settle down? Perhaps they accompanied that request with a line somewhat similar to that quote. Have you ever felt the want and need to get settled down? How do you define "settling down"? Have you ever felt pressured to "settle down"? Have you been told that you're getting up there in years and need t "settle down"?  If you have settled down with someone, did you know it was the "right one" or did you settle down because you felt they were good enough without being "the right one"? If you haven't found "the right one", do you feel like you'll find "the right one" or have you given up hope on ever finding "the right one"?

Finding "the right one" is the first step in settling down. Then actually settling down with someone is a huge step. Whether it's moving in as a boyfriend/girlfriend couple or asking your significant other to marry you, taking a relationship to the next level is a huge step, and sometimes scary too. Sometimes just trying to find "the right one" is a long hard scary process, especially if you're unsure that the person is the right one for you. How do you choose and decide if someone is worthy of being your lifelong partner? 

What do you look for in "the right one"? Do you follow what your friends and family think is "the right one" for you or do you follow your heart and what you know you like in a person? Do you write it out and amend the list as you grow older or do you just look without a list in mind and go by a feeling? What may be right for one person may not be right for another. Believe you me I know that all too well. I am under a lot of pressure to "settle down" from myself, others, and society. I had plans to be married with kids by now, but I haven't found the one to be "happily settled down" with. It's one of my dreams to settle down and have kids with my Mr. Right. I know it will happen, but I just don't know when. Some say I'm too picky, I say I'm not willing to settle down with just anyone. I've seen how strong relationships work and last. My parents are my marriage role models. They've gone through everything from health issues and adopting 2 girls (me and my little sister) to being told they weren't allowed to marry and their marriage will only last 6 months after my grandmother finally consented to letting them marry. Their 49th anniversary is this year! I've also seen some that look like they'd last but they didn't. I've also seen relationships start then stop before they've been given a chance to really gain traction. I'm not willing to play with my heart, especially when I have such a great role model for how a marriage should work in my parents's marriage. I'd rather be single than settle down only to find out it doesn't work down the road. Yet I hope I will find "the right one" to settle down with. He's got to be one special gentleman who can deal with me and all my old-fashioned-Disney-life-craziness to make me "happily settle down". I've come close but it just hasn't happened yet (as of this post). Don't let society tell you to settle down before you're ready to. Let it happen naturally, like I am. As they say, if you have to force something it will probably be crap and that also applies to relationships too. No one should be forced to do something they don't want to.

So until next time, Keep Cooking with Character!

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