Sunday, May 24, 2020

Day 141: Will you get your head out of the clouds and back in the water where it belongs?-- Sebastian

Will you get your head out of the clouds and back in the water where it belongs?-- Sebastian, The Little Mermaid

This gem comes to us when Sebastian is talking to Ariel about why it's a bad idea that she swims to the surface to see Prince Eric again and why it's a good idea to stay under the sea with her father and sisters.

Have you ever had someone tell you to "get your head out of the clouds"? Have you ever had an idea that seemed so far out there that no one thinks it will work or take off? Perhaps you've had a dream that was so fantastic that you want to happen and have begun taking steps to make it a reality, no matter how far out there some people say it is. Do you still keep working on your dream to make it a reality or do you give up on it because their words got to you?

I've lost track how many times I've been told this over the years. "Get your head out of the clouds and back here on the ground." If it's not that, it's some form of it. It does get me down sometimes but  something sparks inside then back into the clouds my head goes. Some of the more "outrageous" dreams I've got are having my blog and channel be my full-time job, owning a house in the Golden Oak subdivision near Magic Kingdom, travel to see all of the Disney Parks worldwide, being a stay at home mom to more than 4 kids, just to name a few and not all the ones I've suggested to my bosses at work. Most of these are obtainable. Others I know aren't. I just have to keep working at them until they come true and not listen to those who say it can't be done. It may take a while for them to happen but eventually they will.

The hardest part is learning how to keep your head in the clouds while having your feet on the ground. It's something that is doable. I wish I could tell you that there is a simple one solution works for everything kind of answer for this but there's not. Each dream you have requires its own path to get it to reality. Sometimes that path is easy and straight forward, other times it's full of twists, turns, starts and stops. Yet to see the dreams become reality makes everything worth it and gives a sense of fullfillment that wouldn't come if it wasn't realized. All it takes is the first step on the ground to make the dreams that your head in the clouds has a reality.

So until next time, don't be afraid to make your dreams a reality and Keep Cooking with Character!

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