Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Day 145: Well be home for supper.-- Cody's mom

Well be home for supper.-- Cody's mom, The Rescuers Down Under

This well heard quote comes to us in the beginning of the film when Cody tries to sneak off to answer Faloo the Kangaroo's call that another animal was in danger.

"Be home for supper" was one of the most uttered phrases by moms when they'd send their kids out to play for many years.  Have you ever heard this quote before? Do you still use this quote? Sometimes it's followed with a time such as 6pm. 

Back when times were simpler and people let their kids roam free outside, they told this to their kids because supper (or dinner as some call it) is the one time of the day when the whole family got together to talk about their day and what they had plans for the next day while eating a good hearty meal. I heard it as well, especially when it would be at a friend's farm, and sometimes when we'd go visit our relatives out of state because we'd be outside the house playing or off visiting old family friends.

The thing I love most about supper is everyone getting together and sharing a meal, though I can't make small talk to save my life. Some of my favorite memories I have are centered around making supper and the meal we had. I can remember snapping peas and beans with my mom and grandmothers, making coleslaw with my grandfather straight from his garden, and being together at the end of our days as a family, just to name a few memories. I might not remember all of the conversations but I do remember the feelings I was left with years down the road. Do you have any good memories around supper? If you do what's your most favorite? Do you hate missing supper with your family or friends?

So until next time, always try to be home for supper and Keep Cooking with Character!

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