Sunday, May 31, 2020

Day 150: Now, now Cody, we mustn't lose hope.-- Bianca

Now, now Cody, we mustn't lose hope.-- Bianca, The Rescuers Down Under

This reassuring quote comes to us when Cody, Marahute, Bianca and Jake are being transported to McLeach's hideout. Miss Bianca keeps holding onto her hope that Bernard will find some way to free them.

One of my most favorite things in the Disney animated feature films is that there is always that underlying theme of Hope and holding onto it when things look their darkest. I know it's also hard to find when things look so  hopeless, such as when it looked almost certain that no one would free Marahute, Cody and the little mice or if you look at any newspaper today.

How do you look for hope? Do you look for it in a movie that deals with a situation similar to your own? Do you look for it in others? Have you had someone ask you to give them hope? Did you give someone hope without realizing it? Have you ever given yourself hope without realizing it?

One of my most favorite things is when I'm not looking for hope, yet I find it. Last year when I started to continue my DisneyQuotes365 project, I was going through a real rough patch in my life. I turned to finding different quotes and speak about each one. As I did, some days I would sit outside under the oak tree by the house to work on them and have a beautiful red cardinal or his equally gorgeous mate. I also saw this beautiful cardinal family when I'd leave for work or come home. Sometimes I'd get lucky and see a blue jay or two. Just seeing those birds kept me going and keep the hope that my situation would get better. Thankfully it did. I was able to move away and get into a new place with much better roommates. When I was in the middle of moving, my car starter fried so I had to take the bus from my old place to my new as my car was getting fixed. As I walked from the house to the nearest bus stop a mile away with a duffel bag full of my things, my little cardinal friend kept flitting from branch to branch as if he was trying to guide me along and say "Keep going you can do this". Then after I got off the final bus to walk to my new apartment, there was another little red cardinal that flew right along side me the entire way and didn't fly away until he saw I was safely inside. In the year since, I've seen my little cardinal friend and some beautiful mockingbirds from time to time. I don't always go looking for hope, yet every time I see my little bird friends, I have it. It's almost like they know I need it, even when it feels like I either don't need it or I can't find it. Have you ever come across an animal that always seems to cross your path when you need hope the most?

Until next time, don't lose hope and Keep Cooking with Character!

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