Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Day 152: Well, some people use their imaginations.-- Belle

Well, some people use their imaginations.-- Belle, Beauty and The Beast

This zinger comes to us when Gaston grabs Belle's book and comments about its lack of pictures. He then goes on a tirade about how "it's not right for a woman to read" and other "primeval" thinking that Belle kept proving wrong.

Do you ever use your imagination? Have you ever been told you need to use it, or use it more? What sort of things do you come up with when you use your imagination? What's been your most favorite thing you've come up with? What's your most imaginitive thing you've imagined?

I have to agree with Belle that some people use their imaginations. I don't know where I'd be without mine. Having a good one keeps life interesting! You can create anything you want or go anywhere you want. One of my other favorite Disney Quotes is "IF you can dream it, then you can do it." When you dream, especially day dream, you're using your imagination.

I had a hard time deciding how best to approach this quote and I think I have the best idea. What better way to talk about imagination than have you use your own?

Let's start off with you imagining your dream house. Where would you have it? Would it be in a jungle? Would it be in the city? Would it be underwater or in space? Would you have a lot of neighbors or not a lot of neighbors? 

Next how big of a lot would you have it on? Would it be a little lot where your neighbors were within arm's reach or would it be where your nearest neighbor was several miles away? Would you have a pool? Would you have a lot of trees? 

What would your house look like? Would it have a lot of stories or a single story? Would it have a lot of rooms or just a few? What sort of colors would you make it? What sort of things would you put in it, like furniture and dishes that sort of thing?

Now the most important part: who would you want to live with you in your house? Would you want to have your boyfriend or girlfriend/husband or wife? Perhaps you would want your family to join you. What does your family look like question are you related by blood or by law? Perhaps your family is neither and you have just a group of friends who are like your brothers and sisters to you. Would you want then to join you or just be able to invite them over for a visit? Maybe you do not want anyone else living with you and only want animals to be with you and have the occasional human visit.

There is no right or wrong to the questions I've asked. Whatever you came up with for an answer is what is right for you. It came from your imagination and no one else's. No 2 houses will ever be the same, just like how no two people will ever be the exact same. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for what you want your dream house to be. Just because it's different or different-looking it doesn't make it wrong.

So until next time don't be afraid to use your imagination and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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