Friday, June 12, 2020

Day 153: Oh Cogsworth, have a heart.-- Lumiere

Oh Cogsworth, have a heart.-- Lumiere, Beauty and the Beast

This gem comes to us when Maurice stumbles on Beast's castle for the first time. Maurice was on his way to the fair to show off his newest invention but was thrown from the cart when his horse, Phillipe, got spooked. After making his way inside, Lumiere, the candlestick, makes this observation when Cogsworth, the maitre d clock, tries to throw him out.

Have you ever had someone tell you this? Perhaps you've told it to someone else. Have you ever wanted to tell this to tell him, but didn't? What do you think it means to "have a heart"?

Having a heart means you're showing kindness to someone. It also means that you're willing to help them out in their time of need. Having a heart takes on many forms. For Cogsworth, he needed to learn that, even though his master did not want any contact with the outside world, he still had to help out a man in need because he could have died without it. This was something Lumiere was able to do without a second thought. Lumiere saw someone in need and jumped right in, even though he knew his master would be madder than a wet hen. Later on, Lumiere would quickly jump in to help Belle when she found the castle. Cogsworth, on the otherhand, was still just as stiff as ever and was unwilling to help at first, but eventually mended his heart just enough.

Having a heart can be difficult at times, especially when times are difficult. Sometimes we can't show just how big our hearts truly are for various reasons. Perhaps we can't give monetarily or with our time as we want. Yet the one thing we can do is just remind people that we're there if they need us. Sometimes that is just enough to get people through hard times.

So until next time, always have a heart and Keep Cooking with Character!

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