Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Day 155: You must control your temper!-- Mrs. Potts and Lumiere

You must control your temper!-- Mrs. Potts and Lumiere, Beauty and the Beast

This good piece of advice comes to us when Mrs. Potts and Lumiere tell Beast some ways to win Belle's heart and get her to see past his exterior.

Do you know someone who has an anger management problem like Beast? Have you ever said this to someone? Perhaps they've said it to you.

This is some of the wisest advice found in any Disney film. Nothing good ever comes from losing one's temper. Sometimes truth is said during an anger spat, but most times things get said that people don't really mean. Sometimes when people are angry, they destroy things they don't mean to, either with their words or by their fists. It's never good to destroy things, especially in anger. Once something has been destroyed, whether intentional or not, it will never be the same. It will bear the scars in some form. Even if someone has apologized for the things they did while angry, things won't ever be the same. If it was with their words, chances are the other person won't forget the pain the other caused them, even with an apology. If it was their actions that destroyed something, chances are the thing will always bear a physical scar of that one moment in time. Either way, a scar will remain.

The hardest thing to do is to control one's temper. Believe you me I know first hand how hard it can be. Luckily we've got the choice of what to do when we're angry. We can either let the heat of the moment dictate our actions or we can step back and cool down then act. The best thing to do is to take a step back and think about what your next move in a situation would be. Yet sometimes we're faced with something that makes us so heated we act before thinking, which almost always causes us trouble. Hopefully, when you get angry you'll be able to take a step back before responding in anger and making things worse.

Until next time, control your temper and as always Keep Cooking with Character!

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