Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Day 34: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

"A Dream Is a Wish your heart makes"-- Cinderella 

For this Disney Song Saturday post, I've chosen the iconic and classic Cinderella song "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes". For such a short sweet song, it is very relateable and very true. Even if you never remember your dreams, you still dream. I'm a firm believer in dreams. Sometimes our dreams reveal what we truly want most in life and sometimes reveal what we need most in life even if it's in a nightmare. The song focuses on the good happy dream that Cinderella just had while hinting at her not-so-happy life as a maid. She tells her bird friends that when you dream, all of the bad events of the day melt away, even if they trouble your heart, because you can always find that one spot where you're truly happy in your dreams and to never give up on them. She also tells them to not ever tell your dreams just before the start of the song because she is afraid if she tells then her dreams they won't come true. 
Personally, I think dreams SHOULD be told because you may never know who could help turn your dreams and heart's wishes into reality. Take my blog and YouTube channel for example. I had dreamt about doing it for years until one day I told my best friend who encouraged me to do it and how to start it, since my dreams only showed me the finished product. Then one day, I took her great advice and did it. Though it's not where I dream it will be right now, I know with time it will be exactly how I want it to be. Slowly but surely, it's getting there. Sometimes telling your dreams can also change them for the better. Your friends can help shape them into something beyond your wildest dreams. For example, Cinderella never gave up on her dream of going to the ball and meeting The Prince though it seemed hopeless. That small bit of hope allowed her Fairy Godmother to appear, which she told her her dream of going. Once she told Fairy Godmother,  her life started to become an even better reality than she dreamed.      
 So never give up on your dreams no matter how impossible they may seem and as always keep cooking with character! 

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