Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Day 131: And once you got the beat, you can do anything.-- Dodger

And once you got the beat, you can do anything.-- Dodger

This gem comes to us near the start of the movie. Oliver the orange kitten  tumbles into the scrappy street-smart alley-dog Dodger who quickly realized Oliver didn't know how to live life on the New York City streets. He tries to get Oliver to realize that life has a beat to it if you know how to find it and tap into it.

Have you ever been in a new town where you don't know anyone? Perhaps you've lived in a town where you know everyone and everything there is to do about it. Have you ever met someone new who doesn't quite know the ropes of your town? How do you help them learn the beat of the street?
 There's a beat in everything. All it takes is for one to listen. The way people move their feet, shuffling, stamping, clickety clacking. The clickety clacking of keyboards and silent swoopings of touchscreens. The way cars hum and zoom down the street. Radios and headphones blare music from around the world. The way the wind blows, the birds sing. It's not always in 2/4 or 4/4 time like we are taught in music class. 

Yet there's also another beat that is not seen and that's the beat of your heart, what drives your passion, your life. What makes your life so full that it makes you keep living? What is your passion? What makes you wake up every morning? What gives you a smile so big you sparkle and glow? Those things make up the beat in your heart that causes you to do anything and believe anything is possible. It is possible to lose your beat but it is possible to regain it. As far as when, it's up to you.

So until next time, keep the beat and Keep Cooking with Character!

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